Our Society welcomes all new members who have a presence in KZN, and who are interested in mediating or who are already mediators. 

We have two categories of membership:

Mediator Members
Mediator members are those individuals who have fulfilled the requirements to be mediator, that is, mediators who have completed the requisite accredited training and have experience in conducting not less than five mediations. Some Mediator members may obtain accreditation by providing sufficient evidence of prior learning and experience. Mediator members who are accredited with the Society and who practise as family mediators are automatically also NABFAM-accredited.
Associate Members
Associate members are those individuals who are interested in mediation, and/or who are in the process of completing the requisite accredited mediation training and/or obtaining practical mediation experience. Associate members cannot be accredited as Mediator members with the Society until they have fulfilled the Society’s minimum requirements for accreditation.

Regardless of category, all our members are listed on our membership panel and are bound by the KZN Society of Mediators’ Code of Professional Conduct.